Installment plans have emerged as a popular payment method, offering consumers the flexibility to pay for their purchases over time, rather than upfront. This enables...
Zilch, a U.K.-based ad-subsidized payments network, has launched a new credit product called Zilch Up. Aimed at empowering individuals who are typically excluded from mainstream...
Accounting for nearly 20% of annual retail sales, the holiday season, which spans November and December, is a critical period for both merchants and consumers. ...
The United States economy’s heavy reliance on domestic consumption has become more relevant than ever, with consumer credit card debt breaking the $1 trillion mark...
From affluent consumers to Gen Zs and baby boomers, buy now, pay later (BNPL) continues to gain popularity across markets, enabling consumers across all ages and income levels to acquire...
In a credit-based economy like the United States, credit scores have a big impact on consumers’ ability to access loans and afford everyday essentials. But...
Cross River Bank has partnered with FinTech platform Current to launch a new credit-building product that will benefit Current’s over 4 million members. The credit-building product will...
Credit Sesame has unveiled a new product that aims to help individuals build and enhance their credit scores through their everyday debit purchases. The new...
Inflation may be cooling but it still pressures consumers. And, as PYMNTS has found in recent months, individuals are turning more frequently to their credit...