digital shift

This Week In Payments: NuoDB CEO Talks Apple’s $2T Valuation, The Great Digital Shift And Lessons Companies Can Learn
This Week In Payments: NuoDB CEO Talks Apple’s $2T Valuation, The Great Digital Shift And...
August 21, 2020  |  News

The national news cycle was mostly taken up with political talk this week, as the Democrats rolled out history’s first fully digital U.S. political convention...

Whole Paycheck Tracker: Trying FIT® On For Size
Whole Paycheck Tracker: Trying FIT® On For Size
August 21, 2020  |  Walmart Amazon whole paycheck

It’s not often that Walmart gets upstaged in the world of retail. In fact, Amazon is about the only one who has been capable of...

Shifts In Digital Commerce And Consumer Spending
Shifts In Digital Commerce And Consumer Spending
August 20, 2020  |  Today In Data

Target reported Q2 earnings that suggested the digital shift is moving from a COVID-19 phenomenon to a consistent reality. In the overall economy, the U.S. Census Bureau reported a jump...

Barclaycard On Everyday Spend Management And The Digital Shift
Barclaycard On Everyday Spend Management And The Digital Shift
August 20, 2020  |  B2B Payments

Remote workers use many digital tools to remain productive while away from the traditional office – except when it comes to managing work-related expenses. There,...

ClassPass CEO On Getting The Fitness Industry Back Into Fighting Shape
ClassPass CEO On Getting The Fitness Industry Back Into Fighting Shape
August 20, 2020  |  Merchant Innovation

Navigating the pandemic-altered landscape has been difficult for fitness operators forced to close their physical locations and translate in-person services into digital offerings. But CEO...

Kohl’s Digital Sales Surge 58 Pct Amid The Pandemic’s Digital Shift
Kohl’s Digital Sales Surge 58 Pct Amid The Pandemic’s Digital Shift
August 18, 2020  |  Earnings

Kohl’s Inc. reported Tuesday (Aug. 18) that digital sales had surged 58 percent in Q2 compared to last year as the retailer’s net sales fell...

Payless Launches Comeback, Stresses Digital Shift
Payless Launches Comeback, Stresses Digital Shift
August 18, 2020  |  Retail

Payless ShoeSource is making a comeback, despite a raging pandemic and a sketchy economic recovery. The brand, which was first launched in 1956 and declared...

Philly Mall Owner Sets The Tone For Digital 3.0
Philly Mall Owner Sets The Tone For Digital 3.0
August 17, 2020  |  Retail

A Philadelphia-based mall owner is taking a proactive approach to the digital shift and back-to-school shopping. PREIT (Philadelphia Real Estate Investment Trust) is curating its...

The Rise Of The Auto-Refill Economy
The Rise Of The Auto-Refill Economy
August 17, 2020  |  Subscription Commerce

The Commerce Department released July’s retail sales last week, showing an increase in seasonally adjusted retail spending – up 1.2 percent overall last month, but...