Ellie Mertz

Airbnb: Travelers Delay Booking Accommodations Amid Macro Uncertainty
Airbnb: Travelers Delay Booking Accommodations Amid Macro Uncertainty
August 06, 2024  |  Travel Payments

Airbnb has seen shorter booking lead times in recent weeks, with customers around the world booking their accommodations closer to their expected time of arrival....

Airbnb Looks for Acceleration in Summer Travel but Guidance Disappoints  
Airbnb Looks for Acceleration in Summer Travel but Guidance Disappoints  
May 08, 2024  |  Earnings

Airbnb’s first quarter results showed growth in listings and in nights booked. And per management commentary on the conference call, demand for international travel remains robust —...

Airbnb’s C-Suite Shake-Up Highlights Strategic Power Shift of CFO Role
Airbnb’s C-Suite Shake-Up Highlights Strategic Power Shift of CFO Role
December 05, 2023  |  CFO

For years, the CFO role has been thought of as a terminal position. Financial executives closed the books, dotted the I’s and crossed the T’s,...