On The Agenda

What The Subscription Market’s 2020 Surge Tells Us About Retail’s 2021 Remake
What The Subscription Market’s 2020 Surge Tells Us About Retail’s 2021 Remake
December 18, 2020  |  Subscriptions

The holiday shopping season is in full swing — and it’s increasingly looking like “’tis the season for purchasing subscriptions.” Recurly CEO Dan Burkhart told...

Main Street SMBs Wax Optimistic On Surviving The COVID-19 Age
Main Street SMBs Wax Optimistic On Surviving The COVID-19 Age
December 17, 2020  |  Payment Methods

The dust is not settled. But things are not as bleak as they once were. Main Street businesses are optimistic about their longer-term survival —...

Retailers, Banks Say Transaction Clarity Key To Moving From Dispute Management To Dispute Prevention
Retailers, Banks Say Transaction Clarity Key To Moving From Dispute Management To Dispute Prevention
December 16, 2020  |  Security & Fraud

Disputes and chargebacks are nothing new. But in the digital age of commerce wrought by the pandemic, they’re becoming a key point of friction between...

Bank Of America Sees Personalized Video As Key To Rewards-Program Loyalty
Bank Of America Sees Personalized Video As Key To Rewards-Program Loyalty
December 14, 2020  |  Digital Banking

It’s been a busy year in digital banking as the pandemic has driven consumers online to manage as much of their day-to-day lives as possible....

Visa’s Cybersource: The Frictionless Fix Is In For Physical Retail’s Broken Business Model
Visa’s Cybersource: The Frictionless Fix Is In For Physical Retail’s Broken Business Model
December 11, 2020  |  Retail

Although much of the 2021 holiday season will be very different than anything that came before it, some of the changes are easier to anticipate...

Costa Rica’s OMNi Super App Tackles Its Fifth Vertical
Costa Rica’s OMNi Super App Tackles Its Fifth Vertical
December 11, 2020  |  Mobile Applications

In less than two years, Costa Rica’s OMNi has gone from a modest platform with 1,000 bicycle shares in the Latin American country’s capital to...

The Government’s Push To Make Stimulus Payments Digital
The Government’s Push To Make Stimulus Payments Digital
December 08, 2020  |  Disbursements

Stimulus payments are again in the headlines and on the horizon. But how consumers will get those payments — hundreds of millions of payments, covering...

Digital-First Economy Values Personalized Video For Consumer Engagement
Digital-First Economy Values Personalized Video For Consumer Engagement
December 08, 2020  |  Retail

A picture, the old expression goes, is worth a thousand words. Expanding on that adage, a video must be worth a thousand pictures. It’s a...

Got $25 Million? Six Payments Execs Share Their Post-Pandemic Startup Ideas
Got $25 Million? Six Payments Execs Share Their Post-Pandemic Startup Ideas
December 03, 2020  |  Innovation

Catastrophe breeds innovation — at least in terms of new business concepts. But capital brings those concepts to life. And in a roundtable with Karen...