Square Crypto

Bitcoin Daily: Monerium Partners With Algorand To Enable Blockchain Transactions; Square To Build Lightning Development Kit To Enhance Bitcoin Wallets
Bitcoin Daily: Monerium Partners With Algorand To Enable Blockchain Transactions; Square To Build Lightning Development...
January 22, 2020  |  Bitcoin

Monerium, a startup based in Iceland that has a European Economic Area (EEA) e-money license, has teamed up with Algorand, a blockchain with a highly...

Bitcoin Daily: China Regulator Eyes Digital Currency Veteran As Chief; Crypto Firm Founder Charged With ICO Fraud
Bitcoin Daily: China Regulator Eyes Digital Currency Veteran As Chief; Crypto Firm Founder Charged With...
December 12, 2019  |  Bitcoin

The China Securities Regulatory Commission, China’s security watchdog, is setting up a technology regulation bureau and will announce Yao Qian as its new department chief,...