Bitcoin Fork news and trends

“Fixing” the Blockchain Is Dividing The Miner Community

March 13, 2017
Bitcoin Gets Forked While Programmer Lives On Bitcoin For 365 Days
Bitcoin // August 21, 2015

Imagine this scenario. Forget Apple Pay (many already do, it seems). Forgot debit and credit cards. In fact, cut them up. Now, go take all the money you need to live on for a year and convert it into bitcoin. And no cheating. No backup...

Bitcoin At War
Alternative Finances // August 18, 2015

Bitcoin is totally forked. Or at least it will be soon, as two high-profile developers have announced plans to fork the code that undergirds the network. The new fork — Bitcoin XT — can handle more transactions per hour but requires more memory to maintain...

Quick Reads
“Fixing” the Blockchain Is Dividing The Miner Community

March 13, 2017
The blockchain has a problem — it is really, really backlogged.  As bitcoin has gotten more popular, the number of people trying to use it has grown, and along with it the number of transactions on the good old blockchain technology that underpins bitcoin. The problem is that verifying all those transactions has slowed due […]

Bitcoin At War

August 18, 2015
Bitcoin is totally forked. Or at least it will be soon, as two high-profile developers have announced plans to fork the code that undergirds the network. The new fork —...