Cloud Platform news and trends

Report: Outcome-Based Pricing Gains Ground in Tech Market

July 05, 2023
Why We Should Be Optimistic About the Future of AI
News // June 14, 2023

Does the hyper rapid rise of artificial intelligence (AI) signal the end of the world? Or the start of a new era?  Jason Verlen, senior vice president, product management, at CCC Intelligent Solutions Inc., a cloud platform for the insurance and automotive industries, tells PYMNTS that, in his view,...

SAP Integrates Thomson Reuters FX Data For Treasurers
B2B Payments // July 11, 2018

SAP and Thomson Reuters have introduced a new feature of their partnership to streamline cross-border payments services for corporate treasurers. The companies announced Tuesday (July 10) that they will now provide treasurers with the cost of a cross-border transaction in a single currency, regardless of...

Google Throws Its Weight Behind Cybersecurity Startup
Merchant Innovation // September 24, 2015

Internet security company Zscaler announced yesterday (Sept. 23) that it closed a $25 million continuation of its oversubscribed Series D funding round from Google Capital, bringing the company’s total funding raised in the Series D to $110 million. The latest influx of capital will be...

Amazon May Get Data Boost With Israeli Chip Developer Purchase
Acquiring // January 23, 2015

Amazon has agreed to buy Annapurna Labs, a secretive Israeli chip developer — but what’s not certain yet is what’s in the deal for Amazon. There’s a few theories why Amazon would be interested in buying the chip design company. Neither company has disclosed terms, but...

Interviews & Exclusives
Why We Should Be Optimistic About the Future of AI

June 14, 2023
Does the hyper rapid rise of artificial intelligence (AI) signal the end of the world? Or the start of a new era?  Jason Verlen, senior vice president, product management, at CCC Intelligent Solutions Inc., a cloud platform for the insurance and automotive industries, tells PYMNTS that, in his view, it is unequivocally the latter — we are stepping into […]

Quick Reads
Report: Outcome-Based Pricing Gains Ground in Tech Market

July 05, 2023
A small but growing number of tech companies are reportedly offering pricing based on outcomes rather than usage. With these outcome-based or value-based pricing models, customers pay a percentage of the increased revenue, cost savings, growth in customer count or other benefit they have received from the product or service, The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) […]

Google Throws Its Weight Behind Cybersecurity Startup

September 24, 2015
Internet security company Zscaler announced yesterday (Sept. 23) that it closed a $25 million continuation of its oversubscribed Series D funding round from Google Capital, bringing the company’s total funding...

Demandware Pushes The POS Button

January 14, 2015
Enterprise cloud commerce solutions company Demandware announced Monday (Jan. 12) that it has taken steps to accelerate its One Platform strategy by integrating a retail point-of-sale system aimed at delivering a...

Ebay Enterprise’s Billion-Dollar Client Milestone

January 13, 2015
Ship-from-store and in-store pickup services from eBay Enterprise have been paying off for the e-commerce giant. The eBay Inc. company announced Monday (Jan. 12) that its clients have reached more...