Developer Tracker news and trends

NEW REPORT: Will Apple’s ARKit Be A Shot In The Arm For AR?
Apple // August 23, 2017

Whether it’s AR or acquisitions, software development companies are constantly looking for the edge that can help separate their business from the competition.  The latest Developer Tracker™, powered by Vantiv, takes a look at companies around the space using AR software to help expand...

Software Developed Specifically For The Smallest Businesses
Payment Methods // July 27, 2017

Entrepreneurs can be a lot of things – CPA, however, isn’t often a common denominator. That’s why, as he explained in the latest Developer Tracker, powered by Vantiv, Kirk Simpson, CEO and founder of small-business software developer Wave, built a software system that can...

NEW REPORT: Getting SMBs Off The Software Sidelines
Payment Methods // July 26, 2017

Sometimes, even the best businesses, big and small, need a little help from software. Whether its finding and keeping loyal customers or keeping the books and sending invoices, digital tools are giving businesses new ways to solve their biggest problems, whether its accounting, customer service...

Developing A Healthy Online Business
Tracker Series // June 29, 2017

When it comes to pumping up sales, strategically infused tech can be downright performance-enhancing. In the latest Developer Tracker™, powered by Vantiv, Ben Brown at technology-powered health company NutraClick discusses how technology is strengthening the company’s business and continuing to change the way consumers...

Interviews & Exclusives
NEW REPORT: Getting SMBs Off The Software Sidelines

July 26, 2017
Sometimes, even the best businesses, big and small, need a little help from software. Whether its finding and keeping loyal customers or keeping the books and sending invoices, digital tools are giving businesses new ways to solve their biggest problems, whether its accounting, customer service or anything else.  The latest Developer Tracker™, powered by […]

Helping Specialty Stores Battle Grocery Goliath

April 28, 2017
Keep up or fall down. The April Developer Tracker, powered by Vantiv, features an interview with Burt Aycock, director of Design for ECR Software, about the use of consumer-friendly...

NEW REPORT: Small Retailers Play Big With Consumer-Friendly Tech

April 27, 2017
Whether they realize it or not, consumers have increasingly cutting-edge expectations of the merchants and companies with which they do business. And for the companies trying to keep up, the...

From ACH To IoT: Looking Back On A Year Of Trackers

January 02, 2017
Holy moly, 2016 was quite a year. Month to month, follows the innovation that’s reshaping the payments and commerce ecosystem. As 2016 wrapped up, we looked back at some...