Real Time Data news and trends

Confluent Offers Partners Chance to Improve Data Offerings
Data // July 18, 2023

Confluent has launched a program to help its customers manage their data streams. The data streaming firm’s technology partner program, announced in a news release Tuesday (July 18), lets Confluent’s partners “bring fully managed data streams directly to their customers through native integrations with Confluent...

How AI Co-Pilots Can Future-Proof the CFO Office 
artificial intelligence // June 05, 2023

Today’s challenging macro environment requires organizations, and their CFOs, to be both nimble and intelligent. That’s because unpredictable market conditions have made it essential for finance leaders to be prepared for every eventuality, as well as underscored the importance of taking proactive measures to mitigate the impact...

EBA: Corporate Treasurers’ Hit Roadblocks Using Real-Time Data to Manage Liquidity
Faster Payments // May 26, 2023

As demand for faster payments increases around the world, financial institutions (FIs) in Europe are having to beef up investment in real-time data and payment processing infrastructure to meet the needs of their corporate clients. But it might take a while for those investments to...

AI Gives Treasurers Real-Time Insight Into Liquidity
artificial intelligence // April 19, 2023

Today’s softening economic landscape is bringing about a corresponding shift in business priorities. In the face of challenging macro headwinds, it is becoming more critical than ever for businesses, no matter their size or industry, to review their growth strategies, identify efficiencies and manage cash...

Interviews & Exclusives
EBA: Corporate Treasurers’ Hit Roadblocks Using Real-Time Data to Manage Liquidity

May 26, 2023
As demand for faster payments increases around the world, financial institutions (FIs) in Europe are having to beef up investment in real-time data and payment processing infrastructure to meet the needs of their corporate clients. But it might take a while for those investments to pay off in the liquidity management space, where Director of […]

AI Gives Treasurers Real-Time Insight Into Liquidity

April 19, 2023
Today’s softening economic landscape is bringing about a corresponding shift in business priorities. In the face of challenging macro headwinds, it is becoming more critical than ever for businesses, no...

Real-Time Data Maximizes CPG Firms’ Promotion Spend, and Bottom Lines 

April 28, 2022
Call it shopping at the breakfast table. Not all that long ago, promotions came in the paper, in the form of free-standing inserts (FSI), those massive coupon bundles wrapped around...

Retail, RFID And Real-Time Sales

April 05, 2019
Probably every shopper knows the thrill of the retail treasure hunt — that odd, unexpected, but perfect product discovered on a shelf; that highly desired item almost hidden in some...

Quick Reads
Confluent Offers Partners Chance to Improve Data Offerings

July 18, 2023
Confluent has launched a program to help its customers manage their data streams. The data streaming firm’s technology partner program, announced in a news release Tuesday (July 18), lets Confluent’s partners “bring fully managed data streams directly to their customers through native integrations with Confluent Cloud.”  In addition, it provides access to Confluent’s expertise in […]

EBA: Banks Need to Understand Real-Time Data Use

December 01, 2022
The Euro Banking Association (EBA) says banks need a greater understanding of real-time data. That’s according to a report released Thursday (Dec. 1) by the EBA, on the use of...

Kount Launches AI Solution For Real-Time Identity Trust

February 10, 2020
Fraud prevention firm Kount is introducing the Identity Trust Global Network for the establishment of real-time identity trust using artificial intelligence (AI), Kount announced today (Feb. 10). The Boise, Idaho-based cybersecurity...

Uber Updates App With Public Transit Options

February 01, 2019
Uber has announced that it is launching its first integration with public transit. The rideshare giant has partnered with the Regional Transportation District (RTD) so that users in Denver can...