Royalties news and trends

Pop Duo Chainsmokers to Give Away NFTs That Include Streaming Music Royalties
NFTs // May 12, 2022

Pop act The Chainsmokers will release NFTs to give fans a piece of the streaming royalties from the new album “So Far So Good,” Bloomberg wrote Thursday (May 12). There will be 5,000 NFTs and they’ll be given out on May 17 for free. The...

Every Download Costs Apple Music About One Cent
Apple // April 16, 2021

A letter viewed by the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) from Apple Music that was sent to creators, publishers and labels said that the tech giant has a penny-per-stream payment structure. The disclosure was sent to artists on Friday (April 16) via Apple Music’s artist dashboard....

NEW REPORT: Turning The Page On Digital Media Platforms’ Legacy AP Practices
CFO // August 12, 2020

  Businesses are seriously examining how to retool their accounts payable (AP) strategies as they work to better endure a shifting economic landscape. Thirty-eight percent of companies have already reported adopting AP automations this year — a leap from the 24% who did so in...

Apple’s Settlement With Qualcomm May Have Cost As Much As $6 Billion
Legal // April 18, 2019

The legal battle between Apple and Qualcomm is over, and UBS is estimating the iPhone maker paid Qualcomm in the neighborhood of between $5 billion and $6 billion to end the dispute, according to a report by CNBC. In addition, UBS Analyst Timothy Arcuri said...

Interviews & Exclusives
NEW REPORT: Turning The Page On Digital Media Platforms’ Legacy AP Practices

August 12, 2020
  Businesses are seriously examining how to retool their accounts payable (AP) strategies as they work to better endure a shifting economic landscape. Thirty-eight percent of companies have already reported adopting AP automations this year — a leap from the 24% who did so in 2019 — and organizations may be finding that moving to […]

Resolving Discord In Indie Music Payouts

May 02, 2018
Over the years, computers have put a wildly different spin on how music is produced and distributed. First, they emerged as a tool for mixing and mastering songs in a...

Will Blockchain Tech Deliver Harmony In Music IP Management?

February 09, 2018
It’s hard to separate the headlines, sometimes, beyond the vagaries of huge price swings in bitcoin and cryptocurrencies. It’s hard, sometimes, to find the tunes the market might be fashioning...

Naming That Tune And Getting Paid Faster

February 24, 2017
Music is ancient. Paper checks, only slightly less so. In an interview with PYMNTS’ Karen Webster, Hyperwallet VP of Strategy and Business Development Tomas Likar delved into the reasons that paper might fold...

Quick Reads
Pop Duo Chainsmokers to Give Away NFTs That Include Streaming Music Royalties

May 12, 2022
Pop act The Chainsmokers will release NFTs to give fans a piece of the streaming royalties from the new album “So Far So Good,” Bloomberg wrote Thursday (May 12). There will be 5,000 NFTs and they’ll be given out on May 17 for free. The report notes that the holders will get a collective 1% […]

Every Download Costs Apple Music About One Cent

April 16, 2021
A letter viewed by the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) from Apple Music that was sent to creators, publishers and labels said that the tech giant has a penny-per-stream payment structure....

Apple’s Settlement With Qualcomm May Have Cost As Much As $6 Billion

April 18, 2019
The legal battle between Apple and Qualcomm is over, and UBS is estimating the iPhone maker paid Qualcomm in the neighborhood of between $5 billion and $6 billion to end...

Lawsuit: Peloton Used 1,000+ Songs Illegally

March 20, 2019
The National Music Publishers’ Association (NMPA) is suing streaming exercise bike company Peloton, saying the service used upwards of 1,000 songs without licensing them properly, according to reports. Peloton, which...