
Amazon Gives $230 Million in AWS Credits to AI Startups
June 13, 2024

Amazon is reportedly investing $230 million in Amazon Web Services (AWS) credits in AI startups. As Reuters reported Wednesday (June 13), these credits will give early-stage generative artificial intelligence (AI) firms free access to computing power, a variety of AI models, and infrastructure, provided they build their companies using...

Amazon Exec Says Restaurant Ordering About Boosting Daily Engagement With Prime
May 31, 2024

As Amazon looks to make its Prime membership increasingly indispensable to customers’ day-to-day lives, the eCommerce giant’s new partnership with Grubhub aims to drive more frequent engagement with the subscription’s offerings. On Thursday (May 30), Amazon announced the expansion of its partnership with Grubhub. In...

Amazon Ramps Up Logistics Expansion to Speed Delivery, Reduce Costs
May 22, 2024

Amazon is reportedly ramping up its logistics expansion efforts to compete with rivals such as Walmart, Shein and Temu. The company is focusing on acquiring industrial property and restructuring its distribution network to enhance package delivery speed and reduce shipping costs, the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reported Wednesday...

Amazon Plans to Invest $1.29 Billion in French Tech Projects
May 12, 2024

Amazon is reportedly set to invest nearly $1.3 billion on tech projects in France. The eCommerce giant is one of several global companies poised to announce new foreign investments in France this week, Bloomberg News reported Sunday (May 12). French President Emmanuel Macron will host...

Amazon Says New Fulfillment Fees Reflect Underlying Costs
May 09, 2024

Amazon said Thursday (May 9) that the updated fees for merchants using its fulfillment, storage and shipping services reflect underlying costs and are “significantly less” than those announced by other major fulfillment services.  “We have been listening to seller feedback and working with our seller partner community...

Amazon to Launch Dedicated Online Store in Ireland in 2025
May 09, 2024

Amazon will launch a dedicated online store in Ireland in 2025. The new will offer more products from Irish businesses; low, local prices; and no additional customs charges, the company said in a Wednesday (May 8) press release. “This underscores our continued commitment to Ireland and will bring a wide selection...

Amazon Small Business Initiative Heads Into 25th Year and Takes Turn as Job Creator
May 09, 2024

In November 2000 the Nasdaq was at the 6,000 mark, just starting to shed the internet companies that had been overvalued and would eventually lead to the bursting of the internet bubble. Amazon’s stock price at the time was $1.25. And in this environment, it...

Report: Telefonica Deal Puts Amazon in Europe’s 5G Market
May 08, 2024

Telefonica Germany is reportedly moving 1 million 5G customers to the Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud. The deal marks the first time in which an existing mobile operator is switching its main network to a public cloud, Reuters reported Wednesday (May 8). Cloud giants like Amazon and Microsoft have been working to expand into the telecom space...

Amazon’s AI Ambitions Help Fuel Q1 Earning Surge
May 02, 2024

Amazon reported strong financial results for the first quarter of 2024, as the company doubles down on its artificial intelligence (AI) initiatives and sees a resurgence in its cloud computing division, Amazon Web Services (AWS). The eCommerce giant’s net sales increased 13% year-over-year to $143.3 billion, while operating...