As B2B fraud threats like the business email compromise (BEC) scam or internal employee theft continue to grow for businesses large and small, experts are...
Emotions play a significant role in all human endeavors, and that certainly goes for payments and commerce. And even as those two activities become ever...
To paraphrase an old maxim: There is nothing new under the sun. There are just new ways to pay for it. Payments done digitally or with...
The ideal goes something like this: Consumers at any location — a friend’s house, a car — could speak into a voice assistant or smart...
Friction isn’t a deal-breaker for mobile banking and payment apps. To be sure, too much friction can send users running back to the App Store...
Skate to where the payments fraud puck is going – not where it’s been. We’re mixing metaphors here, but the tried and true traditional methods...
Apple is still trying to change the world, but some of its plans simply weren’t meant to be (read: Apple driverless, gas-pedal-less, steering-wheel-less cars). Others,...
Like Web 2.0, Mobile 2.0, and Vegetables 2.0 (And, yes, that’s a thing. Have you ever had fried brussels sprouts?), 3D-Secure 2.0 is also taking...
Changing consumer spending and ever-evolving technological capabilities means that authenticating customers is an always shifting process. So how do financial institutions and security technology providers,...