Despite Kroger’s third-quarter results taking a slight a dip, digital growth is still making a splash. Kroger’s digital transformation continues to show promising results as...
Instacart’s CEO is focusing on grocery partnerships amid investor skepticism. Fidji Simo discussed these efforts in an interview with Bloomberg’s The Circuit With Emily Chang, set to air Thursday...
Instacart has introduced “Express Lane,” a holiday-themed perk for Instacart+ members. Announced Monday (Nov. 18), Express Lane gives members zero-dollar delivery minimums on grocery and retail...
Instacart’s expansion of retailer integrations and the implementation of advanced technology have streamlined the shopping experience, providing convenience, savings and higher engagement, CEO Fidji Simo...
Amazon has reportedly launched a partnership with Mexican grocery delivery startup Jüsto. As Bloomberg News reported Monday (Nov. 4), that collaboration will see Amazon offer...
Instacart is ramping up its efforts to capture and keep customers as it aims to cement its status in the online grocery sector. The company...
Amazon has expanded its grocery delivery subscription service by adding an annual plan for Prime members and extending its discounted subscription to all Prime Access...
With order volumes increasing, Deliveroo sees opportunities from its loyalty program and grocery business. The U.K.-based delivery service on Thursday (Aug. 8) released earnings for...
Instacart has launched a SNAP/EBT-focused partnership with Walgreens. The collaboration, announced Tuesday (Aug. 6), will offer online SNAP/EBT payment acceptance at more than 7,500 Walgreens...