Harbour & Hills

Corporates Play Payment Rail Musical Chairs
Corporates Play Payment Rail Musical Chairs
April 21, 2020  |  B2B Payments

The coronavirus pandemic has some organizations playing payment rails musical chairs in their accounts payable (AP) departments as they adjust payment strategies (and methods) to...

How China Fuels Alternatives To Correspondent Banking
How China Fuels Alternatives To Correspondent Banking
April 15, 2020  |  B2B Payments

China is a notoriously challenging jurisdiction for foreign payment service providers to operate as the nation prioritizes local industry leaders. Gradually, however, and with a...

Harbour & Hills Takeover Opens B2B Payments Gateway To China
Harbour & Hills Takeover Opens B2B Payments Gateway To China
April 08, 2020  |  B2B Payments

With a move that opens a B2B payment gateway to China, Harbour & Hills (H&H) Financial Services Limited said it has acquired a controlling stake...