Pixar’s animated film “Turning Red” is the latest movie to skip theaters and go exclusively to streaming on Disney+ in March, the company announced Friday...
Although Spider-Man and Peter Parker’s humble comic book origins date back to 1962, the new and improved superhero has unabashedly gone 21st century. With the...
It’s been almost 60 years since moviegoers first saw fictitious MI6 agent James Bond drop a bunch of bad guys with his signature Walther PPK...
It’s like something out of a movie, at least in its broadest strokes. New-fangled tech comes along, is embraced by the masses and saves troubled...
AMC Entertainment broke its Labor Day weekend admissions record, thanks in large part to the $90 million raked in by Marvel’s “Shang-Chi and the Legend...
There are business model disruptors that come in the form of digital-first, scrappy, small companies that challenge incumbents, and do things cheaper and faster. Then...
The COVID-19 pandemic has rapidly altered the way films are shared with audiences, with many being launched directly onto streaming platforms first. With that, Hollywood...
Not even Hollywood magic is enough to keep the COVID-19 pandemic from shutting down TV and movie sets. Questions about vaccinations and positive tests are...
Walt Disney brought in over $60 million from around the world from sales of its “Black Widow” movie by the way of Disney+ Premier Access....