Commanders In Chief news and trends

Why Innovation’s Fast Pace Shouldn’t Slow Down Payments
Security & Fraud // March 08, 2018

Every business walks the same tightrope when it comes to processing payments: Convenience versus security. It doesn’t matter if the business is consumer-facing or serving other businesses (B2B); security is top of mind for all of them, yet adding more layers can introduce more friction,...

Jumio CEO: Outfoxing The Cyberfraudsters In Real Time
Security & Fraud // September 22, 2017

Jumio CEO Stephen Stuut says innovation is key, and must always evolve, when it comes to taking on the bad guys in cyberspace – the ones who steal IDs, and then, money. Equifax is just the latest wake up call – but there are ways...

Real Innovation Solves Today’s Problems, Not Tomorrow’s
Innovation // September 12, 2017

Innovation happens when you least expect it. As they say, “Necessity is the mother of invention.” Those we call “innovators” are simply the ones who endeavor to solve the problems in front of them by any means necessary. Only later do others look at them...

Guardian Of The Analytics Galaxy
Fraud Prevention // September 07, 2017

Think the life of a vice president of analytics is all about the numbers? Think again.  There’s data, to be sure — reams of it. But in an interview with PYMNTS, Massy Najafi, who serves in that role at Guardian Analytics, shed light on more than...

Interviews & Exclusives
How Real-Time Payments Change Consumer Bill Pay

March 29, 2018
Not with a bang, but with a whimper: That’s how Gene Neyer, chief strategy officer at Icon Solutions and this week’s Commander in Chief, says real-time payments technology will overtake the industry. Such major shifts, he said, don’t happen dramatically. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither will the new real-time payments empire come […]

Why Innovation’s Fast Pace Shouldn’t Slow Down Payments

March 08, 2018
Every business walks the same tightrope when it comes to processing payments: Convenience versus security. It doesn’t matter if the business is consumer-facing or serving other businesses (B2B); security is...

Real Innovation Solves Today’s Problems, Not Tomorrow’s

September 12, 2017
Innovation happens when you least expect it. As they say, “Necessity is the mother of invention.” Those we call “innovators” are simply the ones who endeavor to solve the problems...

Guardian Of The Analytics Galaxy

September 07, 2017
Think the life of a vice president of analytics is all about the numbers? Think again.  There’s data, to be sure — reams of it. But in an interview with PYMNTS,...