Mobile For Enterprise news and trends

Xero Launches Android SME Accounting App

August 06, 2015
Walmart Mobilizes B2B Procurement, Payments
B2B Payments // August 05, 2015

A slew of new partnerships in India is helping Walmart become a B2B industry leader in mobile procurement. New reports published Tuesday (Aug. 4) said the mega-retailer has launched collaboration with several Indian companies, including local eCommerce service provider MartJack enterprise, mobile payments network MobiKwik,...

Ariba Dishes On Future B2B Mobile Innovations
B2B Payments // August 03, 2015

Since processing more than $1 billion through its platform, B2B payment services provider Ariba has taken new steps to boost its cloud services for corporate clients this year. Last week, the company revealed new insights into its agenda for the rest of 2015, and it...

iStratus Mobilizes Business Billing And Management
B2B Payments // August 03, 2015

It’s only a matter of time before B2B players begin to make the mobile device a part of their daily routine, industry experts say. Technology giants are pumping out more enterprise-focused mobile apps, and smartphone and tablet makers are introducing new ways to encourage business...

Upcoming iPhone Introduces New Business Features
B2B Payments // July 31, 2015

This week the technology market saw the launch of Windows 10 Pro, Microsoft’s latest operating system that came chock-full of new features for the enterprise. While the system has won praise already, Microsoft rival Apple is once again stealing the spotlight. Reports published Thursday (July...

Quick Reads
Xero Launches Android SME Accounting App

August 06, 2015
Corporations are beginning to eye mobile tools to manage their finances. Even HSBC, one of the world’s largest banks, said that B2B players are poised to adopt mobile tools, and corporate treasurers are demanding more sophisticated management methods. Digital payments firm Xero is jumping in early to the trend. On Wednesday (Aug. 5) the company said […]

Walmart Mobilizes B2B Procurement, Payments

August 05, 2015
A slew of new partnerships in India is helping Walmart become a B2B industry leader in mobile procurement. New reports published Tuesday (Aug. 4) said the mega-retailer has launched collaboration...

Ariba Dishes On Future B2B Mobile Innovations

August 03, 2015
Since processing more than $1 billion through its platform, B2B payment services provider Ariba has taken new steps to boost its cloud services for corporate clients this year. Last week,...

iStratus Mobilizes Business Billing And Management

August 03, 2015
It’s only a matter of time before B2B players begin to make the mobile device a part of their daily routine, industry experts say. Technology giants are pumping out more...