Nasa news and trends

IBM, Meta Launch 50+ Member Alliance Promoting Open-Source AI Development 
artificial intelligence // December 05, 2023

How do you safely develop and responsibly profit from an innovation like artificial intelligence (AI)? This ongoing question has prompted the sudden proliferation of committees and forums dedicated to the safe development of AI technology. This, as a group of over 50 founding members — including NASA, Oracle, CERN,...

NASA Crowdsources VR Tech for Mars Exploration, Partnering With HeroX and Epic Games
Technology // May 08, 2022

HeroX, the marketplace working on crowdsourced solutions, has teamed with Epic Games and Buendea to roll out a competition called the NASA MarsXR Challenge, a press release says. The contest seeks contributions to a VR testbed environment, copying the “experiences and situations” astronauts might encounter...

Federal Agencies Ask Contractors to Support Digital Payments
Digital Payments // March 23, 2022

Three federal agencies are working together to facilitate digital payments and automation with contractors and have filed a joint request for information, the Business of Federal Technology (FCW) reported on Tuesday (March 22). The General Services Administration (GSA), Department of Defense (DOD) and NASA are...

NASA Bolsters SMB Program With $45 Million Investment
SMBs // March 28, 2021

NASA has awarded $45 million in early-stage funding to more than 300 U.S. small- to medium-sized business (SMBs) and research operations on an accelerated schedule to help offset the impact of the pandemic on the enterprises, according to a press release. The funding came from...

Quick Reads
NASA Crowdsources VR Tech for Mars Exploration, Partnering With HeroX and Epic Games

May 08, 2022
HeroX, the marketplace working on crowdsourced solutions, has teamed with Epic Games and Buendea to roll out a competition called the NASA MarsXR Challenge, a press release says. The contest seeks contributions to a VR testbed environment, copying the “experiences and situations” astronauts might encounter on Mars. NASA is working with Buendea on a Mars […]

Federal Agencies Ask Contractors to Support Digital Payments

March 23, 2022
Three federal agencies are working together to facilitate digital payments and automation with contractors and have filed a joint request for information, the Business of Federal Technology (FCW) reported on...

NASA Gets Hacked

December 19, 2018
NASA has suffered a data breach that exposed its employees’ Social Security numbers and other personal information. According to a memo sent Tuesday (Dec. 18) by Assistant Administrator Bob Gibbs,...

Blue Origin Circulates Plan To Send Cargo In Spacecrafts To The Moon

March 06, 2017
With NASA interested again in returning to the moon, several startups have been looking to benefit from that, including Amazon founder Jeff Bezos and his space company, Blue Origin. According to...