Consumer Insights

Consumer Insights
NY Fed Survey Shows Consumer Uncertainty Rising
May 10, 2016

The U.S. consumer may not fear inflation — at least, not yet — but there is a sense of unease as to where prices may be headed. Reuters reported on Monday (May 9) that inflation expectations, as measured by the New York Fed’s April survey of...

Consumer Insights
Consumer Spend Trends: Mother’s Day Vs. Father’s Day
May 06, 2016

Just like asking parents to pick their favorite child, what son or daughter can choose between their doting mothers and supportive fathers? Well, when it comes to spending on each parent come Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, it seems like there’s a clear preference there...

Consumer Insights
Costco Tops Consumer Experience Study
May 03, 2016

Providing top-notch user experiences online and on mobile isn’t limited to retail categories. Sure, an Apple or a Microsoft that misses the mark with smooth site design and performance might have more egg on its face than others, but by and large consumers expect the...

Consumer Insights
Macy’s Bumps Kohl’s As Department Store Of The Year
April 21, 2016

One of the biggest stories of the holiday season was the hit that legacy department stores took when warm winter weather and continued consumer moves toward online retailers disrupted everything from revenue streams to inventory management. However, it would seem that consumer opinions on some...

Consumer Insights
When Merchants Don’t Change But Shoppers Do
April 20, 2016

Mondays can be rough, but at Vestis Retail Group, the start of the work week signaled a different kind of end entirely. Not only did Vestis itself file for bankruptcy protection, but its retail holdings — sporting goods stores Sport Chalet and Eastern Mountain Sports and...

Consumer Insights
Consumer Confidence Hits Six-Month Low
April 18, 2016

Retail experts have dozens of different metrics by which to judge how well the market is doing, from prices of common products to self-reported revenue figures. However, an increasing percentage of those metrics aren’t bringing particularly encouraging news. On Friday (April 15), the University of...

Consumer Insights
FICO Launches Credit Score Simulator
April 14, 2016

A new tool from analytics software firm FICO will allow consumers to see how future actions may impact their credit scores. FICO announced on Wednesday (April 13) that its enhanced simulator will provide side-by-side comparisons that enable consumers to better understand how combinations of actions...

Consumer Insights
Study: Millennials Really Like It When Stores Stay In Touch
April 13, 2016

As both retailers and consumers continue to mature alongside the technology they both use to stay in touch with each other, it’s only to be expected that a good deal from each side figure out ways to optimize digital communications. According to a new study,...

Consumer Insights
Why The Supermarket’s Past Is Holding It Back
April 13, 2016

Oh, millennials — so fickle, so finicky and so hard for old-fashioned retailers to get a handle on. Now that more and more Instagram-posting, Snapchat-snapping consumers are coming of age, though, industries considered recession-proof, like retail grocery stores, are finding that they might not be so appropriately...