
Defense-Platform Provider Launches Hacking Monitor
March 11, 2014

Cybereason, developer of an automated cybersecurity defense platform, has launched an new enterprise-level fraud-monitoring system designed to “uncover the operation and stop it in its tracks.” The startup is pitching its solution on the basis that companies should focus on information gathering instead of outright...

Attacks Plague More Bitcoin Exchanges
March 11, 2014

Another major Bitcoin exchange reportedly has suspended withdrawals, citing an extended distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack. Bitstamp, an exchange headquartered in Slovenia, announced the suspension after irregularities were discovered in the site’s wallet system, Coindesk reported on Feb. 11. Andreas Antonopoulos, chief security officer for,...

Square Makes An Upscale Move With Whole Foods
March 11, 2014

Square is partnering with Whole Foods on a new payment system for the upscale grocery chain’s store locations. Whole Foods customers will have access to new payments terminals in the store, allowing them to avoid checkout lines entirely, Square said in a Feb. 11 press...

Alibaba Readies U.S. eCommerce Site
March 11, 2014

The Alibaba Group announced on Tuesday that it will be launching a new U.S.-based eCommerce site. 11 Main is billed as online store including products from a variety of merchants and sellers, Reuters reported on Feb. 11. The site is not yet live. “Alibaba is...

Mobile Now Accounts For A Third Of UK’s Online Sales
March 11, 2014

04 March 2014 Approximately one-third of online sales in the United Kingdom originated from mobile devices, meaning mobile now accounts for a fast-growing share of the UK’s online sales. In the fourth quarter of 2013, more than 35 percent of all retail sales originated from...

Vitamin E-tailer Mulls Sale
March 11, 2014

04 March 2014, a vitamin and supplement e-tailer, is exploring its options, such as a potential sale, after continuing to post losses. Sales were up 16 percent year over year in 2013 compared with the previous 12-month period, Internet Retailer reported on March 3....

Alternative Finances
Future Innovators: How Far Should They Push The Limits?
March 11, 2014

Q. What do you get when you cross the CFPB, the FTC and Six Alternative Lending CEOs?  A. One heck of a conversation about the future of innovation in the financial services space.  At The Innovation Project 2014, will CFPB Deputy Director David Silberman and FTC Commissioner Julie...

Bitcoin’s Real Problem Isn’t Mt. Gox
March 11, 2014

The crisis du jour for the Bitcoin community yesterday was the collapse of Mt. Gox amid rumors that hundreds of millions of dollars worth of bitcoins had been stolen. While some cynics are claiming this is the death of this cryptocurrency Bitcoin backers are rallying...

Preventing Online Fraud and Building Customer Trust
March 11, 2014

Online payment fraud resulted in billions of dollars in losses last year. Stopping fraud without impacting the experience for trusted customers is critical for organizations where any fraud prevention measure that adds to customer friction is a non-starter. Attend this webinar to learn methods to...