Millennials Desire To Consolidate Connected Devices Greatest Among Consumer Groups, Study Finds

Connected devices have enabled consumers to centralize all manner of daily tasks, making it easy to buy groceries, monitor bank transactions, track health data and purchase local transportation all through a single point of contact.

According to PYMNTS’ report ‘Super Apps For the Super Connected,’ 350 million internet users across the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia and Germany own a median of 6.5 of these devices, which together with a “myriad apps, websites, platforms and marketplaces, make up the internet’s thoroughly decentralized global digital ecosystem.”

Get the report: Super Apps For the Super Connected

It’s no surprise then that digital consolidation is gaining traction globally, boosting the appeal of super apps that can help simplify and improve the online lives of connected consumers, especially young consumers.

Read more: Super Apps Promise Relief for Always On Millennials

In fact, per the report, published in collaboration with PayPal, almost 85% of the 9,904 consumers surveyed across the four countries who said they want to use a super app were millennials, bridge millennials and Generation Z consumers.



The study further identified three consumer personas — Basic-Tech, Mainstream and Tech-Driven — each having a different level of engagement with technology and interest in a super app solution.

When it came to the Tech-Driven persona, millennials and high-income consumers accounted for most consumers in that group, each owning seven to eight devices on average and having “the largest, most diverse connected-device ecosystems of any generation.”


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