Super Apps Promise Relief for Always On Millennials

PayPal - Super Apps For The Super Connected - October 2022 - Discover how consumer demand for streamlined payment experiences has created widespread interest in a super app to manage the complexity of modern life

PayPal - Super Apps For The Super Connected - October 2022 - Discover how consumer demand for streamlined payment experiences has created widespread interest in a super app to manage the complexity of modern life

Millennials are the world’s first truly digital-first consumers. Having come of age with computers, smartphones and other connected devices in hand, they are accustomed to performing nearly every one of their routine activities online.

Now, millennials are leading the way on the drive to consolidate their lives online into as single, central command hub: the super app.

Super Apps For The Super Connected,” a PYMNTS and PayPal collaboration, provides first-hand insights into the factors causing a surge of interest in all-in-one solutions for online life. We surveyed a census-balanced panel of 9,904 consumers across Australia, Germany, the United Kingdom and United States about how many connected devices they own, the online activities in which they use those devices and their interest in using a hypothetical super app to learn more about how digitization is driving a widespread demand for digital consolidation.

Key findings from our research include:

Connected consumers — especially millennials — see the super app as the logical next step to enhancing and streamlining their lives online. Millennials are the generation most interested in using a super app to simplify and improve their digital lives, with 40% of them saying they would be very or extremely interested in using such an app.

Millennials have the largest, most diverse connected-device ecosystems of any generation. They could therefore benefit most from having a single, central command hub to manage them.

Millennials also use their connected devices to engage in more digital activities than other generations. The average millennial engages in 6.9 digital activities per month, with the most common being grocery shopping, ordering from restaurants and tracking their vitals using health applications.

These findings are just the beginning of a larger story of what makes millennials so keen on digital consolidation. To learn more about why millennials, bridge millennials and Generation Z could make the Super App go mainstream, download the report.