Middle-market heads of product are facing a paradox: rising competitive pressures in an uncertain economic environment. Competitive forces, market saturation and cost inefficiencies drive executives...
For heads of payment, managing supplier relationships and cash flow efficiency are top concerns. Our latest findings show that more than 90% experienced frictions paying...
For middle-market chief financial officers (CFOs), cash forecasting and competitive pricing are primary concerns related to uncertainty. PYMNTS Intelligence data finds that business performance had...
Heads of product drive profitability by setting strategic goals and supporting innovation across the product portfolio. As a result, their role is distinct from that...
A firm’s CFO and head of payments are pivotal in its financial architecture and dealing with uncertainty. CFOs carry out the firm’s broader financial strategy...
Accounts receivable (AR) management for middle-market businesses is a manual balancing act between efficiency and security. Efficiency prioritizes streamlining invoice processing and collection to accelerate...
The larger the firm, the greater the sense of certainty. That is what CFOs from smaller U.S. firms with revenues between $100 million and $250...