
Bitcoin Daily: Seagate Data Storage Firm Uses Blockchain To Fight Fraud; Brazil Citizens Must Report Crypto Transactions To RFB
Bitcoin Daily: Seagate Data Storage Firm Uses Blockchain To Fight Fraud; Brazil Citizens Must Report...
August 02, 2019  |  Bitcoin

Data storage firm Seagate revealed that it has moved its anti-fraud blockchain project with IBM into the pilot stage. Launched in 2018, the project monitors...

Bitcoin Daily: Seagate Teams With IBM For Blockchain Project; Malware Puts Its Mark On Crypto Exchanges
Bitcoin Daily: Seagate Teams With IBM For Blockchain Project; Malware Puts Its Mark On Crypto...
November 08, 2018  |  Bitcoin

In China, a principal and a vice principal allegedly mined ethereum at a middle school in the province of Hunan, Coindesk reported. The principal had...

Bitcoin Parody Dogecoin Hits All-Time High: $2 Billion
Bitcoin Parody Dogecoin Hits All-Time High: $2 Billion
January 09, 2018  |  News

In the crypto world, everyone knows you are a dog (meme).  So it was with Dogecoin, originally created as a parody of crypto…and now as...

Amazon Tracker: International SmartHome Party
Amazon Tracker: International SmartHome Party
December 08, 2016  |  Amazon

Another week, another Amazon expansion/innovation. Well, there was actually more than one this week. It was truly a global affair. Amazon announced Monday that their...