venture capitalist

Bitcoin Daily: France Votes To Include Crypto In Insurance Contracts; VC Draper Could Team With Facebook For Crypto Venture
Bitcoin Daily: France Votes To Include Crypto In Insurance Contracts; VC Draper Could Team With...
April 14, 2019  |  Bitcoin

The National Assembly of France has voted to allow local insurance companies to include cryptocurrencies in life insurance contracts. Changes to the insurance code via...

Startups Turn To PE Firms For Exits
Startups Turn To PE Firms For Exits
December 28, 2018  |  Startups

Ajay Chopra, who founded Pinnacle Systems, a digital video hardware and software company for consumer and broadcast markets, wrote a column in TechCrunch about the...

Indonesia In Billionaire Investor Tim Draper’s Crosshairs
Indonesia In Billionaire Investor Tim Draper’s Crosshairs
June 08, 2017  |  Investments

Where might investment riches lie in Asia? One billionaire investor, Tim Draper, sees promise in Indonesia. And the lure there may come in bits and...