1 Click news and trends

Amazon 1-Click Patent Expires In 2017

January 04, 2017
PayPal Rolls Out One Touch Payments
News // August 20, 2014

PayPal has unveiled a new mobile app feature that lets shoppers pay with a single touch to their screens. The feature, dubbed One Touch, will also be available for mobile apps of PayPal-accepting merchants, according to Re/Code. The new feature, with was announced on Tuesday...

Quick Reads
Amazon 1-Click Patent Expires In 2017

January 04, 2017
Soon, online payments might get more frictionless. Amazon’s patent on its 1-Click payment system will expire this year, meaning online buyers could soon see many other online stores adopting similar methods throughout 2017. Anyone who has used Amazon more than once or bought using voice commands on the Amazon Echo will be familiar with 1-Click. […]

PayPal Rolls Out One Touch Payments

August 20, 2014
PayPal has unveiled a new mobile app feature that lets shoppers pay with a single touch to their screens. The feature, dubbed One Touch, will also be available for mobile...