Freight Forwarder news and trends

Freight-Forwarder Beacon Now Counts Amazon’s Bezos As Investor
Amazon Investments // June 01, 2020

Amazon chief executive Jeff Bezos has invested in U.K.-based Beacon, a digital freight forwarder, according to Reuters. Bezos was one of a few investors who contributed to the $15 million funding round from Beacon, the company announced on Sunday (May 31). The venture capital firm...

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Freight-Forwarder Beacon Now Counts Amazon’s Bezos As Investor

June 01, 2020
Amazon chief executive Jeff Bezos has invested in U.K.-based Beacon, a digital freight forwarder, according to Reuters. Bezos was one of a few investors who contributed to the $15 million funding round from Beacon, the company announced on Sunday (May 31). The venture capital firm 8VC was also among the investors. Beacon works to provide […]