Tina Giorgio news and trends

ICBA Bancard CEO: Community Banks Move Faster Payments Forward
Banking // August 14, 2017

Community banks have long been heralded as local leaders that create jobs and reinvest in their communities, but ICBA Bancard President and CEO Tina Giorgio tells PYMNTS’ Karen Webster that community banks are also nimble users of new technology platforms, including new methods of payments.

Why Community Banks Can’t Afford To ‘Wait and See’ About Faster Payment Innovations
Faster Payments // August 04, 2017

Previous stereotypes be damned, recent research pegs Millennials as entrepreneurial, with almost half the generation planning to start businesses within the next three years. For community banks, it’s a wake-up call to adopt faster payment solutions that younger customers expect — or get left behind....

NEW REPORT: The Community Banks’ Faster Payments Wake-Up Call
Faster Payments // August 03, 2017

The faster payments get, the less tolerable waiting becomes for customers, businesses and other financial players. But in late July, one of the biggest waits in the payments industry came to an end. The August Faster Payments Tracker™, powered by NACHA, highlights notable news and developments...

Interviews & Exclusives
Experts Weigh In: Regaining Consumer Trust In A Post-Equifax World

October 13, 2017
As consumers and businesses scramble to contain the fallout from the massive Equifax data breach, the impact will linger among payments security professionals. Is a wholesale reexamination of how companies treat data security in the offing? PYMNTS gathered the thoughts and advice of nine executives, mulling what Equifax, and breaches to come, mean for their efforts.

ICBA Bancard CEO: Community Banks Move Faster Payments Forward

August 14, 2017
Community banks have long been heralded as local leaders that create jobs and reinvest in their communities, but ICBA Bancard President and CEO Tina Giorgio tells PYMNTS’ Karen Webster that...