What You Should Be Reading news and trends

Wipro Launches Open Banking API Platform
Digital Banking // November 08, 2016

Wipro, the information technology, consulting and business process services company, announced Monday (Nov. 7) it launched its Open Banking API platform. The Open API platform will enable banks and financial institutions to launch Open Banking initiatives. With an open banking initiative, the company says financial...

Stripe Launching Works With Stripe
Payment Methods // November 08, 2016

Stripe is looking to expand its footprint from being just a payments startup, all by launching Works With Stripe, a businesses services platform. With 300 apps and counting, Works With Stripe is a new directory to help already affiliated and integrated companies (which there are...

Amazon Killing It With Its Own Products
Amazon // November 04, 2016

1010data released Thursday (Nov. 3) new analysis that shows that, by leveraging its online shelf space to introduce new private-label products, Amazon has had success in stealing market share from established brands in a lot of product categories. In a press release, 1010data said Amazon is...

Walmart To Accept Chase Pay
Payment Methods // November 04, 2016

Chase announced Thursday (Nov. 3) that retailing giant Walmart will now accept Chase Pay. In a press release, Chase said Chase Pay will be accepted on Walmart’s website, within Walmart’s mobile app and in stores via the Walmart Pay app. The announcement comes after Chase...

Interviews & Exclusives
Zelle First Look

November 04, 2016
Last week, the world got its first public look at Zelle — and an announcement from Zelle’s operator, Early Warning, has 19 US financial institutions signed on and ready to roll in 2017. Those 19 financial institutions signed at this point represent approximately 76 million mobile banking users in all. Zelle will exist as both a […]

Ripple Effects: The Wow Factor

August 30, 2016
Google Play’s four top-grossing apps have seen a 10 percent increase in revenue from their game apps in Europe since the debut of Pokémon GO. A theory is that, once...

Quick Reads
Senator Ted Cruz Introduces Legislation To Disband The CFPB

February 16, 2017
While there have long been calls on Capitol Hill to reform the CFPB with an eye toward scaling back some of its vast powers, at least two Republicans — one Senator and one Congressman — are ready to toss the whole thing on the scrap heap of history. A pair of twin bills introduced yesterday […]

Wipro Launches Open Banking API Platform

November 08, 2016
Wipro, the information technology, consulting and business process services company, announced Monday (Nov. 7) it launched its Open Banking API platform. The Open API platform will enable banks and financial...

Stripe Launching Works With Stripe

November 08, 2016
Stripe is looking to expand its footprint from being just a payments startup, all by launching Works With Stripe, a businesses services platform. With 300 apps and counting, Works With...

Amazon Killing It With Its Own Products

November 04, 2016
1010data released Thursday (Nov. 3) new analysis that shows that, by leveraging its online shelf space to introduce new private-label products, Amazon has had success in stealing market share from established...