Startup DNA

Startup DNA: Rooam, Close Your Bar & Restaurant Tab Remotely
November 03, 2016

Most people aren’t thinking about mobile payment when they head out for a night on the town. But that’s changing. “Every time I tried to close a check or tab at a bar or restaurant, I always wondered why this process could not be seamless...

Startup DNA: FreedomPop Helps Consumers Ditch Their Data Diets
October 27, 2016

Too many consumers are on a data diet. Each month, they allot themselves or their families a certain amount of data usage, and they make tradeoffs on the basis of how close they are to being tapped out. And it’s getting harder to stay on...

Startup DNA: Apruve Seeking To Streamline B2B Payment Through Platform
October 20, 2016

Businesses certainly purchase differently than consumers do. And, as the growth of B2B cCommerce grows, each business prefers to pay on its own terms, which can cause some upset in doing business. Startup Apruve began its own business by trying to solve that issue. “For sellers to...