weird commerce

weird commerce
The Most Unusual Connected Devices Of 2017
December 23, 2017

The Internet of Things (IoT) may have jumped the digital shark this year. Of course, some would say this happened a long time ago. The New York Times was calling it the “Internet of Way Too Many Things” back in 2015, long before the Amazon...

weird commerce
Weird Commerce: 3D Digital Body Measuring With ShapeScale
May 20, 2017

One of the biggest issues most people can have is weight. On just about every New Year’s resolution list, people usually have some version of either lose weight or get healthy near the top of their yearly improvements — and 2017 is no different. According...

weird commerce
The Week In Very Weird Commerce
April 29, 2017

Among many other subjects, the late, great Hunter S. Thompson was one of the world’s foremost experts on weirdness of all kinds. One of our favorite — and more often quoted — observations from Dr. Gonzo on the subject is a good catch-all for when it seems the...

weird commerce
Weird Commerce: Smart Traveling With Barracuda
April 24, 2017

Traveling has become a necessary part of today’s society. With the online world connecting people in a fashion that’s never been done before, traveling has become a much more feasible activity for people. Whether it’s taking a road trip across the country with college friends,...

weird commerce
Weird Commerce: Sobro Delivers Ultimate Entertainment Experience
April 17, 2017

Companies today are pushing the boundaries on what it means to live a truly connected lifestyle. While there are many activities that still involve zero levels of connectivity, products and services are inching toward becoming more “smart.” As Gartner predicts there will be approximately 21 billion connected...

weird commerce
Weird Commerce: Eco-Friendly Clothes Washer Via Drumi
April 10, 2017

Environmental awareness will likely always be a continual evolving global concept. As long as people continue to use the earth’s resources to live on, initiatives that help preserve the planet will take place. From bringing reusable bags to the grocery store to riding bicycles for...

weird commerce
Weird Commerce: BeeHex Makes 3D Pizza Printing A Reality
March 13, 2017

Technology is having an impact on nearly every industry, leaving practically no stone unturned. The food market is one of the latest to dip its toes in the tech arena. With the advent of 3D printing technology, it was just a matter of time before a company...

weird commerce
Weird Commerce: Raybaby Raises the Baby Monitoring Bar
February 27, 2017

Being a parent in general is a tough job. From trying to balance each child’s activities along with their own lives, parents can be spread too thin. One company looking to improve the lives of parents and their newborns is Ray, with its non-touch baby wellness monitor,...

weird commerce
Weird Commerce: Ozobot Brings Coding To Life For Kids
February 20, 2017

Today’s generation of kids are growing up in a learning environment much different than it was 15–20 years ago. While the fundamentals of math, science, English and social studies are still at the core of learning, the various technologies surrounding nearly every aspect of everyone’s...