artificial intelligence

In computer science, artificial intelligence, sometimes called machine intelligence, is intelligence demonstrated by machines, in contrast to the natural intelligence displayed by humans.


Chatbots: Friend Or Foe Of Retail?
Chatbots: Friend Or Foe Of Retail?
July 28, 2017  |  Retail

Automation has come to several industries. From manufacturing to customer service, there have been several parts of today’s workforce that have been automated by some...

eBay Adds New Image Recognition to Its Search Options
eBay Adds New Image Recognition to Its Search Options
July 27, 2017  |  Retail

Founded in 1995, some may say eBay is the original online marketplace. With more than 20 years in the eCommerce business, eBay is looking for...

Tech Center: Montreal On Tech’s Radar
Tech Center: Montreal On Tech’s Radar
July 25, 2017  |  Tech Center

Known for its delicious poutine, beer and scenic views, Montreal is more than just a place for New Englanders to go for a weekend escape....

AI/BOTS: Machine Learning Tips Online Fraud Scales
AI/BOTS: Machine Learning Tips Online Fraud Scales
July 25, 2017  |  Artificial Intelligence

Technological advances are pushing the boundaries for what’s possible in a variety of industries. Within the retail industry specifically, artificial intelligence (AI) is moving the...

ObEN Raises $5M From Tencent To Take On AI Celebrity Scene
ObEN Raises $5M From Tencent To Take On AI Celebrity Scene
July 19, 2017  |  Startups

ObEN, which uses artificial intelligence-powered tools to create avatars that look and sound like real people, announced it has raised $5 million in strategic investment...

Karamba And Securing The Connected Car Future
Karamba And Securing The Connected Car Future
July 19, 2017  |  Internet of Things

The connected car future is more or less becoming the connected car present, and with that changeover, cars are becoming more than they ever have...

Unifund CEO Consumer Credit Caution: “Time To Stop Getting Lost In The Averages”
Unifund CEO Consumer Credit Caution: “Time To Stop Getting Lost In The Averages”
July 19, 2017  |  Financial Inclusion

Credit, and the consumer’s relationship with it, has changed rather dramatically over time. But those changes can only be seen if one takes a big...

AI/BOTS: Artificial Intelligence’s Impact On Jobs
AI/BOTS: Artificial Intelligence’s Impact On Jobs
July 18, 2017  |  Chatbots

Robots are coming for your job! Run! As more chatbots enter the enterprise arena, as well as the retail industry, for customer service needs, this...

Mastercard Acquires Brighterion To Further Expand AI Capabilities
Mastercard Acquires Brighterion To Further Expand AI Capabilities
July 18, 2017  |  Partnerships / Acquisitions

Mastercard announced it has entered into an agreement to acquire Brighterion, Inc., a leading software company that specializes in artificial intelligence (AI). According to a...