Business-to-business is a situation where one business makes a commercial transaction with another. This typically occurs when: A business is sourcing materials for their production process for output .Example- Providing raw material to the other company that will produce output.

Source: en.wikipedia.org

The Late-Payment Plague Is Getting Worse
The Late-Payment Plague Is Getting Worse
January 30, 2015  |  News

Innovators are offering new ways to facilitate payments between buyers and suppliers, and regulators in the U.S. and EU have zeroed in on the issue...

C2FO Finds Financial Middle Ground Between Buyers and Suppliers
C2FO Finds Financial Middle Ground Between Buyers and Suppliers
January 28, 2015  |  News

Early payment discounts can benefit both buyers and suppliers; suppliers get paid early to maintain cash flow, while buyers – obviously – get a discount...

In The UK, Payments To Small Suppliers Can Take Up To Four Months
In The UK, Payments To Small Suppliers Can Take Up To Four Months
January 26, 2015  |  B2B Payments

The U.K.’s Institute of Directors has warned large businesses that the “scandal” of late payments is undermining the country’s economic recovery, and said the big...

Cloud POS Platform KWI Adopts Apple Pay
Cloud POS Platform KWI Adopts Apple Pay
January 13, 2015  |  Apple Pay

Specialty retail sector POS provider KWI has jumped on the Apple Pay bandwagon with its announcement Monday (Jan. 12) that its Cloud 9 Mobile platform...

More Red Tape Coming For Cross-Border Payments
More Red Tape Coming For Cross-Border Payments
January 08, 2015  |  B2B Payments

Regulators around the world are stepping up anti-money-laundering (AML) efforts, and, as a result, lenders are tightening the screws on cross-border payments, according to Corporate...

Cyberthieves Will Target Apple Pay, ATMs And Banks In 2015
Cyberthieves Will Target Apple Pay, ATMs And Banks In 2015
December 31, 2014  |  Apple Pay

Apple Pay, ATMs and even traditional B2B financial-transfer systems will be the top targets of a new wave of payments-oriented cyberattacks in 2015, according to...