What do you do when you’re the largest payments company on the planet and every aspect of payments is undergoing huge global change? You try...
Payment network Ripple Labs just snagged is to U.S. banks closer to its goal of frictionless payments worldwide. CBW Bank and Cross River Bank, based in Kansas...
The U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) convinced a federal court to shut down a Missouri-based Bitcoin company called Butterfly Labs because, according to the FTC...
PayPal is taking another small step in helping digital currency, particularly bitcoin, enter the mainstream by helping their merchants accept bitcoin payments. The leader in...
Payment-card fraud keeps rising — and the costs are rising even faster according to the recently released 2014 LexisNexis True Cost of Fraud study, eCommerceBytes...
Will bitcoin really be the great bank killer? It’s got potential, according to a new report released by The Bank of England, but as of...
eBay’s announcement this week that its Braintree unit plans to start accepting bitcoins in the next few months suggests that not only will consumers be...