chip card payments

Convenience Trumps Security for Consumers
Convenience Trumps Security for Consumers
March 30, 2016  |  Security & Fraud

EMV makes it harder for a person in a store to fake their identity via a counterfeit card. Online, it’s starting to look like the...

Fact Check: Is EMV Pushing Fraud Online?
Fact Check: Is EMV Pushing Fraud Online?
March 29, 2016  |  Security & Fraud

EMV makes it harder for a person in a store to fake their identity via a counterfeit card. Online, it’s starting to look like the...

Visa’s Latest Chip Card Stats
Visa’s Latest Chip Card Stats
November 25, 2015  |  News

Nearly three months past the EMV migration deadline, just how far has the industry come? It’s still too early to tell on most fronts, but...