Blue Yonder, a supply chain solutions provider, has signed an agreement to acquire Doddle, a first- and last-mile technology business. The deal will allow Blue Yonder...
Real-time payments are becoming a major player across industries. Large retail, manufacturing and insurance firms recognize the significance of real-time payments for business-to-business (B2B) operations....
For corporate treasurers, there’s the planning — and then there are the curveballs, the unexpected events that put liquidity and cash flow management to extreme...
Trade Ledger is now accepting applications from banks to join the beta program for its artificial intelligence-enabled Working Capital Copilot solution. This solution helps banks...
Mastercard has partnered with Bizom, a retail intelligence platform, to provide a comprehensive digital supply chain financing solution to micro retailers and distributors in India. This collaboration...
Businesses that trust each other, grow together. That’s why when it comes to digitizing the commercial payments ecosystem, solving for behavior is just as important...
U.S. non-bank payment processor Celero Commerce has acquired Finical, a Dallas-based provider of electronic payments technology. This strategic acquisition will enhance Celero’s capabilities and allow it...
Technology simplifies, at least that is its promise. That’s because, when effectively implemented, digital solutions can break down legacy silos and remove countless man hours...
Delivery management platform Bringg has debuted a tool to streamline last-mile delivery. The company’s ROAD offering, announced Tuesday (Oct. 10), is designed to help companies “mitigate the risk of...