Early Payment Discounts

Firms With Manual AP Processing Miss Out on Early Payment Discounts 
Firms With Manual AP Processing Miss Out on Early Payment Discounts 
November 14, 2022  |  B2B Payments

The cost of maintaining the status quo just went up.  This, as new research shows that companies that use outdated manual non-payroll spend system are...

Why More Than Half of SaaS Firms Say No to Early Payment Discounts
Why More Than Half of SaaS Firms Say No to Early Payment Discounts
November 07, 2022  |  Accounts Payable

Offering early payment discounts is a common practice among suppliers and vendors to incentivize their customers to pay their invoices on time, but PYMNTS’ research...

Transcard, Previse Partner On Early Payment Discounts
Transcard, Previse Partner On Early Payment Discounts
August 19, 2021  |  B2B Payments

The payments company Transcard announced Thursday (August 19) it was working with the embedded finance Previse on a new early payment discount solution. According to...

The Vendor’s Role In AP Automation Adoption
The Vendor’s Role In AP Automation Adoption
January 31, 2020  |  B2B Payments

Automating back-office processes has indisputable positive impacts on companies’ ability to promote efficiency and operational cost savings, and even encourage sustainability through the reduction of...