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A store that sells food and household supplies. A grocery store or grocer's shop is a retail shop that primarily sells food. A grocer is a bulk seller of food. Grocery stores also offer non-perishable foods that are packaged in bottles, boxes, and cans; some also have bakeries, butchers, delis, and fresh produce.


Why Market Basket Beats Walmart In The Grocery Game
Why Market Basket Beats Walmart In The Grocery Game
February 15, 2016  |  Retail

Until about two years ago, very few people outside of New England had ever heard of Market Basket — a privately owned and operated supermarket chain...

New York’s Fairway Market Faces Bankruptcy
New York’s Fairway Market Faces Bankruptcy
February 08, 2016  |  Retail

Any regular or even occasional visitor to New York City knows the Fairway Market. The quintessentially Manhattan grocery chain with its small shops dotting the...

Why Grocery Stores Go Dry When The Weather Goes Bad
Why Grocery Stores Go Dry When The Weather Goes Bad
January 25, 2016  |  Retail

As the entire East Coast (or at least the parts of East Coast that knew the storm was coming) prepared for winter storm Jonas, an...

UK’s Second Biggest Grocery Chain Rebuffed In Acquisition Attempt
UK’s Second Biggest Grocery Chain Rebuffed In Acquisition Attempt
January 06, 2016  |  Europe

In U.K. retail intrigue news, the U.K.’s second largest supermarket group, Sainsbury’s, has been shot down in its takeover attempt for Argos and Homebase Owner...

How Whole Foods Cuts Prices? By Cutting Jobs
How Whole Foods Cuts Prices? By Cutting Jobs
September 29, 2015  |  News

Whole Foods is laying off 1,500 employees, or 1.6 percent of its workforce, over the next two months as it works on reducing prices for...

The Creative Destruction Of Grocery Stores
The Creative Destruction Of Grocery Stores
September 10, 2015  |  In Depth

Online is bifurcating how consumers shop for everything — including groceries. In response, grocery chains are switching things up, experimenting with smaller formats that primarily...