hidden fees

Report: FTC to Sue Property Management Firm Greystar, Alleging Hidden Fees
Report: FTC to Sue Property Management Firm Greystar, Alleging Hidden Fees
January 13, 2025  |  Regulation

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is reportedly preparing to sue real estate development and property management firm Greystar Real Estate Partners, alleging that the company...

FTC Finalizes ‘Bait and Switch’ Rule for Event Ticketing and Lodging Sectors
FTC Finalizes ‘Bait and Switch’ Rule for Event Ticketing and Lodging Sectors
December 17, 2024  |  Regulation

The FTC has unveiled a rule blocking “bait-and-switch” pricing for hotels and concert tickets. Such tactics, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) said Tuesday (Dec. 17) are used...

Will 99 Cents Burn Toast at the POS?
Will 99 Cents Burn Toast at the POS?
June 26, 2023  |  Platform Payments

After spending the last 20 minutes online deliberating over what you really need to round out your summer wardrobe, you’re ready to check out. You...

FTC Sends $9.7M in Fee Refunds to LendingClub Customers
FTC Sends $9.7M in Fee Refunds to LendingClub Customers
August 12, 2022  |  Legal

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is sending over $9.7 million in payments to 61,990 customers who the FTC said were charged hidden fees from LendingClub,...

CFPB Rails Against Costly Pay-By-Phone Fees
CFPB Rails Against Costly Pay-By-Phone Fees
August 01, 2017  |  Security & Fraud

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau warned companies  Monday (July 31) about  tricking consumers into expensive pay-by-phone fees. In a press release the government watchdog said...