
Common legal phrase. Lawful action, such as an agreement consciously agreed to by two or more entities, establishing lawful accountability. For example, an apartment lease legally binds the lessor and the lessee.

California Judge Rules Execs Can Be Charged With Money Laundering
California Judge Rules Execs Can Be Charged With Money Laundering
August 24, 2017  |  Legal

A judge has ruled that money laundering charges can be brought against the creators of a website that California prosecutors label an online brothel. The...

Uber Drama Is Driving Execs Out
Uber Drama Is Driving Execs Out
August 11, 2017  |  Ridesharing

If you’ve been thinking lately, “You know who hasn’t seen enough drama this summer? Uber,” then you’re in luck. CNBC reports news that Uber’s SVP of...

Uber Drivers Score Small Victory In Fight To Be Treated As Employees
Uber Drivers Score Small Victory In Fight To Be Treated As Employees
July 14, 2017  |  Legal

Uber was dealt a bit of a blow Thursday (July 13) when its drivers won a victory in its fight to be counted as employees...

Qualcomm Seeks iPhone Ban In U.S. Amid Legal Battle On Patents
Qualcomm Seeks iPhone Ban In U.S. Amid Legal Battle On Patents
July 07, 2017  |  Apple

Qualcomm has filed a lawsuit against Apple for alleged patent infringement as the legal dispute between the two tech giants gets a bit more heated....

Grubhub Suit To Help Decide Gig Economy Worker Rights?
Grubhub Suit To Help Decide Gig Economy Worker Rights?
July 03, 2017  |  Legal

Beyond Lyft and Uber, GrubHub’s ongoing legal battle centered on whether workers are employees or contractors may help settle the issue, and just what rights...

Supreme Court Pushes Back On Patent Trolls
Supreme Court Pushes Back On Patent Trolls
May 23, 2017  |  Legal

Patent trolls may have to go back under a bridge. As Reuters reported Monday, the United States Supreme Court has issued a ruling that makes...

Uber Beefs Up Legal Ranks
Uber Beefs Up Legal Ranks
May 22, 2017  |  Legal

Uber may be operating, at least for now, without a general counsel and may be looking for someone to fill that role. Recode reports that...

Lawyers Say Fake Wells Accounts Number 3.5M
Lawyers Say Fake Wells Accounts Number 3.5M
May 15, 2017  |  Bank Regulation

The saga continues for Wells Fargo, as plaintiff lawyers in its fraudulent case up the fictitious accounts opened number. Lawyers for the plaintiff side are...

Uber Dealt A Blow In Fight With EU Over Its Status
Uber Dealt A Blow In Fight With EU Over Its Status
May 12, 2017  |  Ridesharing

Uber Technologies, the ride-hailing app company, got hit with a legal blow on Thursday (May 11) in its fight not to be regulated as a...