Six billion and counting. According to VantageScore, that’s how many credit scores generated by its model have been used by card issuers and other industry...
Navigating the payments landscape can be a difficult, but for the nearly 800 million illiterate and 1 billion handicapped people around the world, it can...
October 1 has come and gone and EMV has found its swim lanes here in the U.S. So what’s next with respect to securing cardholder...
Despite fewer business days last week, investment continued apace going into the holiday season, with even activity between commercial and B2B investment split almost evenly....
The patchwork of applications and technologies on top of legacy payments infrastructure seems anything but capable of keeping up with today’s mobile-empowered customers. IBM says...
How’s EMV doing to stamp out fraud in the U.S.? According to Joe Majka, Chief Security Officer at Verifone, that’s a present that the payment...