pundi x

Bitcoin Daily: Venezuelan Department Stores To Launch Blockchain POS; Blockchain Analysis Firm Debuts Real-Time Fraud Alerts
Bitcoin Daily: Venezuelan Department Stores To Launch Blockchain POS; Blockchain Analysis Firm Debuts Real-Time Fraud...
August 23, 2019  |  Bitcoin

Blockchain firm Pundi X has announced that Venezuela’s largest chain of department stores will implement the XPOS, the blockchain-powered point-of-sale device, across its 49 stores...

Bitcoin Daily: $30M In Tether Sent From Russia To China Daily; Justifire Gun Maker Gets Blockchain Patent
Bitcoin Daily: $30M In Tether Sent From Russia To China Daily; Justifire Gun Maker Gets...
July 31, 2019  |  Bitcoin

A new report has revealed that Chinese importers in Russia are buying up to $30 million a day of tether from Moscow’s over-the-counter trading desks....

Pundi X White Labels Digital Token Tech For Corporates
Pundi X White Labels Digital Token Tech For Corporates
May 03, 2019  |  B2B Payments

Blockchain payments company Pundi X has announced plans to launch Open Platform, a tool to enable developers and businesses to create blockchain solutions. In a...

Pundi X CEO On Dialing Up Digital Payments, Calling Up Blockchain Phones In Dubai
Pundi X CEO On Dialing Up Digital Payments, Calling Up Blockchain Phones In Dubai
October 11, 2018  |  Blockchain

Well beyond bitcoin, blockchain is making inroads into the mainstream and cryptos are seeing a thaw when it comes to conducting commerce.  In Dubai, blockchain...