Small and Medium businesses are privately owned corporations, partnerships, or sole proprietorships which have fewer employees and/or less annual revenue than a regular-sized business or corporation.

Why SMBs Bank On Personal Finances Over Bank Loans
Why SMBs Bank On Personal Finances Over Bank Loans
December 16, 2015  |  News

When it comes to managing small business finances, a new study indicates small business owners in the U.S. are digging deep into their own pocketbooks...

Do SMBs See The ROI In M-Payments?
Do SMBs See The ROI In M-Payments?
December 16, 2015  |  Mobile Commerce

In the rapidly changing payments landscape, small businesses are often stuck in the middle of how to keep pace with the seismic shift seen across...

The SMB Innovation Perception/Reality Adoption Gap
The SMB Innovation Perception/Reality Adoption Gap
December 16, 2015  |  Merchant Innovation

SMBs think that they’re on the forefront of new payments and business process innovation, but the reality is anything but. Sage Payments CEO Paul Bridgewater...

Bank Lenders Push SMBs To Credit Cards And Alt-Lenders
Bank Lenders Push SMBs To Credit Cards And Alt-Lenders
November 30, 2015  |  News

Big banks are increasingly giving up their SMB loan market to alternative lenders who charge a remarkably high loan interest rate. In 2014, the 10 largest...

Small Business Saturday’s $14B Potential
Small Business Saturday’s $14B Potential
November 27, 2015  |  Merchant Innovation

Small Business Saturday might well surpass its $14.3 billion sales mark from last year as consumer predilection for buying and supporting local businesses is showing positive...

Season’s Frettings From SMBs
Season’s Frettings From SMBs
November 24, 2015  |  In Depth

Holiday shoppers can make or break a SMB’s bottom line – and here’s what one survey says SMB owners have as their top concerns headed...