Trade Disputes

Retail CFOs Tighten Purse Strings Over Physical Store Uncertainty
Retail CFOs Tighten Purse Strings Over Physical Store Uncertainty
January 28, 2020  |  Retail

Retail chief financial officers (CFOs) are in for a bumpy road ahead, sitting in the eye of a storm with the presidential election, global trade...

Top Conglomerates Enter A New Era Of Supply Chain Disruption
Top Conglomerates Enter A New Era Of Supply Chain Disruption
June 25, 2019  |  B2B Payments

Supply chain volatility is a difficult nut to crack, due to a host of risks that can be (or at least appear to be) out...

Strategic Sourcing Evolves Beyond Better Prices
Strategic Sourcing Evolves Beyond Better Prices
June 18, 2019  |  B2B Payments

Elevated from its position as merely a point through which money exits the enterprise, the procurement function is quickly becoming a strategic component of corporates...

Trade Disputes, Fraud Aren’t Treasurers Biggest Concerns
Trade Disputes, Fraud Aren’t Treasurers Biggest Concerns
March 14, 2019  |  B2B Payments

Corporate treasurers are increasingly concerned about a complex regulatory environment, according to the latest analysis from Strategic Treasurer and TD Bank. The two published their...

Trade Disputes Create Supply Chain Risks — And Opportunity
Trade Disputes Create Supply Chain Risks — And Opportunity
October 16, 2018  |  B2B Payments

Global vendors in the supply chain are seeing pressure from multiple sides as a result of ongoing trade disputes and renegotiations. While the effects of...