Cathy Oneil news and trends

Yes, Even Algorithms Can Break Bad
Financial Inclusion // February 01, 2017

Math, as it turns out, is doing more than making millions of teenagers unhappy over hard homework right now — it’s also making the world less democratic and egalitarian. In the wrong hands, mathematics can become a “WMD” — a weapon of math destruction. Most...

Interviews & Exclusives
Making Algorithms Play Fair

March 21, 2017
Every day the average American consumer comes into contact with hundreds — if not thousands — of algorithmically powered experiences. The ads one sees on Facebook or Google were served courtesy of an algorithm that mashes up data points about what you have searched for in the past and where you have shopped. The blazer, blouse and […]

Yes, Even Algorithms Can Break Bad

February 01, 2017
Math, as it turns out, is doing more than making millions of teenagers unhappy over hard homework right now — it’s also making the world less democratic and egalitarian. In...