Hipaa news and trends

FTC Cracking Down on Telehealth Apps and Data Sharing
Healthcare // March 26, 2023

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) wants telehealth firms to improve their data-sharing practices. The commission is particularly focused on companies that use customer data without disclosing the practice to their users, The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reported Sunday (March 26). It’s a campaign that’s happening...

How NowRx Is Tightening Data Privacy In The Pandemic-Driven Telehealth Age
Bank Regulation // November 24, 2020

The rise of telemedicine services is forcing a greater need to secure the data that is exchanged. In this month's Merchants Guide To Navigating Global Payment Regulations, Cary Breese, CEO of prescription delivery service NowRx, discusses the pandemic's impact on digital identity and privacy preferences...

Amazon Wants Alexa To Track Medicine, Provide Health Data
Alexa // April 08, 2019

Amazon.com is aiming to enable Alexa, its voice-activated digital assistant, to keep tabs on customers’ medicine and provide personal health updates. As part of an effort to expand into healthcare, Amazon took the first step last week announcing Alexa is HIPAA-compliant and that five healthcare...

Amazon’s Alexa Now Offers HIPAA-Compliant Skills
Amazon Innovations // April 04, 2019

Amazon just entered a whole new market now that Alexa, its voice-activated digital assistant, is HIPAA-compliant, which it means it can handle patients’ sensitive information. In a blog post, Amazon announced an invitation-only program that will enable developers to create healthcare skills for Alexa that are HIPAA-compliant....

Quick Reads
HHS Launches HIPAA Rules-Focused Investigation of UnitedHealth Group Cyberattack

March 13, 2024
An office of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has opened an investigation into the cyberattack that is impacting the UnitedHealth Group (UHG) subsidiary, Change Healthcare. The investigation was launched by HHS’ Office for Civil Rights (OCR), which enforces HIPAA privacy, security and breach notification rules, HHS said in a Wednesday (March 13) press release. “Given the unprecedented magnitude of this cyberattack, […]

FTC Cracking Down on Telehealth Apps and Data Sharing

March 26, 2023
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) wants telehealth firms to improve their data-sharing practices. The commission is particularly focused on companies that use customer data without disclosing the practice to their...

Amazon Wants Alexa To Track Medicine, Provide Health Data

April 08, 2019
Amazon.com is aiming to enable Alexa, its voice-activated digital assistant, to keep tabs on customers’ medicine and provide personal health updates. As part of an effort to expand into healthcare,...

Amazon’s Alexa Now Offers HIPAA-Compliant Skills

April 04, 2019
Amazon just entered a whole new market now that Alexa, its voice-activated digital assistant, is HIPAA-compliant, which it means it can handle patients’ sensitive information. In a blog post, Amazon announced an...