It news and trends

Tech Startups Laid Off 70K Since March
Startups // July 08, 2020

No sector of the U.S economy has been spared from the economic fallout of COVID-19. But the ranks of tech startups have been devastated with the layoff of nearly 70,000 workers in the last four months, putting the kibosh on the information technology’s (IT) talent...

Global Tech Spending Down 4 Pct, But ‘Work From Home’ Spending Gives A Boost
Coronavirus // April 01, 2020

Companies around the globe are looking at a a 4.1 percent decline in spending on technology as the coronavirus pandemic eats into revenues. That’s a different outcome from the 4 percent rise in spending on tech that was predicted before the crisis started. U.S.-based Enterprise...

Deep Dive: How Credit Unions Juggle Cybersecurity Myths For Cloud Computing
Credit Unions // January 30, 2020

Cloud technology has lost some of its mystique in recent years, and consumers’ improved understanding has led to a boost in demand. The cloud computing services market was expected to see 17.2 percent growth and reach a global value of $200 billion by the end...

Tech Glitch Causes Late Payments For UK’s TSB Bank Customers
Banking // November 22, 2019

British bank TSB, on the heels of an IT disaster that saw its annual profits wiped out, recently dealt with an issue where customer payments didn’t come out on time, according to a report by the Financial Times. Some customers weren’t able to get their...

Quick Reads
Genesis Global Raises $20M in Additional Funding to Drive IT Innovation

July 27, 2022
Low-code application development platform Genesis Global raised $20 million from the Bank of America, BNY Mellon and Citi and follows a $200 million Series C funding round announced in February being earmarked to drive low-code technology as an accelerator for IT innovation. Stephen Murphy, CEO of Genesis, said in a press release on Wednesday (July […]

Tech Startups Laid Off 70K Since March

July 08, 2020
No sector of the U.S economy has been spared from the economic fallout of COVID-19. But the ranks of tech startups have been devastated with the layoff of nearly 70,000...

Global Tech Spending Down 4 Pct, But ‘Work From Home’ Spending Gives A Boost

April 01, 2020
Companies around the globe are looking at a a 4.1 percent decline in spending on technology as the coronavirus pandemic eats into revenues. That’s a different outcome from the 4...

Tech Glitch Causes Late Payments For UK’s TSB Bank Customers

November 22, 2019
British bank TSB, on the heels of an IT disaster that saw its annual profits wiped out, recently dealt with an issue where customer payments didn’t come out on time,...