Mozilla news and trends

AI Adds Fresh Parameters to Open- vs Closed-Source Software Debate 
artificial intelligence // August 10, 2023

Since the dawn of software, there have been two types of development: open source and closed source. A simple binary with complex ramifications, it is from these two varietals that the entire digital landscape we inhabit and operate across has sprung. As one might expect,...

It’s a ’90s Browser War Redux as Musk and Meta Enter AI Race
artificial intelligence // July 13, 2023

It’s a large language model (LLM) landscape, and we’re just living in it. There are more generative artificial intelligence (AI) platforms in the market now than months in the emergent tech’s commercial lifespan. This, as both Meta and Elon Musk have announced the launch of their own AI platforms,...

Smaller Tech Firms Back Measure to Rein in Big Tech Competitors
Big Tech // September 13, 2022

More than a dozen tech companies whose products offer alternatives to those produced by technology giants have come out in favor of federal regulation that would rein in the largest companies. DuckDuckGo, which offers a privacy-focused search engine that competes with Google, and Mozilla, the...

Mozilla, Creative Commons Partner With $100M Web Payments Fund
Partnerships / Acquisitions // September 16, 2019

Three companies have joined forces to change the way things are paid for online with a native web payments standard, according to a report by TechCrunch. To help the initiative get off the ground, the three organizations — Coil, Mozilla and Creative Commons — have...

Quick Reads
Google Defends Position on First Day of Antitrust Trial

September 12, 2023
During a high-stakes antitrust trial, a Google lawyer, John Schmidtlein, reportedly said that companies choose Google as their default search engine not because of a lack of competition but because it is simply the best option available. Making his opening statements Tuesday (Sept. 12) at the start of the trial, Schmidtlein said that users prefer Google because it […]

Smaller Tech Firms Back Measure to Rein in Big Tech Competitors

September 13, 2022
More than a dozen tech companies whose products offer alternatives to those produced by technology giants have come out in favor of federal regulation that would rein in the largest...

Mozilla, Creative Commons Partner With $100M Web Payments Fund

September 16, 2019
Three companies have joined forces to change the way things are paid for online with a native web payments standard, according to a report by TechCrunch. To help the initiative...

News Streaming Service Coming To Firefox

July 07, 2019
A new subscription service for news is in the works from Mozilla, according to a report. It said that Mozilla had previously “announced an upcoming collaboration with Scroll aimed at...