National Health Service news and trends

ePrescriptions and Digital IDs Fuel UK Online Pharmacy Services Growth
Healthcare // February 13, 2023

Digital prescriptions have opened up the market for pharmacy services in the U.K. In the days of paper prescriptions, a handful of high street pharmacists dominated the market, but with the advent of electronic prescriptions and their widespread adoption by the National Health Service (NHS),...

UK’s National Health Service Gave Tech Giants Access To Millions of Britons’ Health Records
Coronavirus // June 08, 2020

United Kingdom officials gave a California software company access to the private personal data of millions of British residents to answer questions around COVID-19, CNBC reported. The National Health Service (NHS) provided Palantir Technologies with volumes of personal information including contact details, gender, race, occupation, health conditions,...

Dr. Alexa Is In In The UK
Amazon // July 10, 2019

The National Health Service (NHS) in the U.K. has teamed up with Amazon to provide medical advice for a variety of ailments, in an effort to cut down on hospital costs, according to a report by Reuters. Amazon’s artificial intelligence (AI)-powered voice assistant Alexa will offer...

PEPPOL: EU’s ‘Rising Star’ In Government eProcurement
B2B Payments // September 16, 2014

To get a glimpse of what the future of government procurement within the European Union will look like, one need look no further than PEPPOL (Pan-European Public Procurement Online), which is at the heart of the region’s eProcurement strategy. That’s according to someone who would...

Quick Reads
Report: Babylon Holdings’ Financial Difficulties Mount After Merger Failure

August 30, 2023
Digital health firm Babylon Holdings Ltd. is reportedly teetering on the edge of collapse after its merger plans with another healthcare company fell through. The United Kingdom-based company, known for its app that connects patients with doctors, has filed a notice of intention to appoint administrators in the U.K. High Court, indicating a potential cash shortage, Bloomberg reported Wednesday […]

UK’s National Health Service Gave Tech Giants Access To Millions of Britons’ Health Records

June 08, 2020
United Kingdom officials gave a California software company access to the private personal data of millions of British residents to answer questions around COVID-19, CNBC reported. The National Health Service (NHS)...

Dr. Alexa Is In In The UK

July 10, 2019
The National Health Service (NHS) in the U.K. has teamed up with Amazon to provide medical advice for a variety of ailments, in an effort to cut down on hospital...