Pay With Google news and trends

Now Pay With Google Everywhere, With Anything Android
Google // October 23, 2017

If the promise of mobile payments is speed and convenience, delivering on the promise – and turning it into practice – is a bit tougher. Small screen, small window of time to get the transaction done. Session timeouts? You’ve had ‘em, no doubt, perhaps fumbling through...

Google Goes ‘Hands Free’ For Mobile Payments
Mobile Payments // March 02, 2016

We’ve said it before and we will say it again — when it comes to mobile payments, there’s no one-size-fits-all solution, any more than there is one-size-fits-all payment method. But what is clear is that the mobile solution that will ultimately garner the critical mass...

Quick Reads
Google Launches New Payment API In Brazil

October 27, 2017
Google and EBANX, the Brazil-based FinTech, announced a partnership Thursday (Oct. 26) aimed at providing Latin American local payment methods to global merchants, enabling them to sell to Latin Americans without having to establish a local business. According to a press release announcing the partnership, the new Google Payment API enables Brazilian shoppers to pay […]

Now Pay With Google Everywhere, With Anything Android

October 23, 2017
If the promise of mobile payments is speed and convenience, delivering on the promise – and turning it into practice – is a bit tougher. Small screen, small window of...